Gary Blake
CEOGary Blake
Joined the group board : 2011
Summary : Joined the group in 2002 with a wealth of experience from the food manufacturing industry. Joined the group Board as CEO in 2011, prior to this Gary was the MD at EPC.
Bet you didn’t know : When I worked at Sainsbury post university I used to stack Billington sugar on shelf!
Favourite Group Product : EPC Moroccan chutney and salted caramel cheesecake…and Hendon tripod ladders!

Stephen Hughes
CFOStephen Hughes
Joined the group board: 2016
Summary: Joined the group in 2003 as Finance Director at EPC, later taking on the role of MD before joining the Group Board.
Bet you didn’t know: True red fan, working for a company with the heritage in Liverpool was a big win for me.
Favourite Group Product: Got to be Very Lazy Garlic – the fridge is never without a jar, which is my convenient friend.

Andrew King
ChairmanAndrew King
Joined the group board: 2012
Summary: Prior to joining our Group Board, held different NED roles at Subsidiary level, and in 2024 took over the role of Group Chairman. Co-founder and NED at Funkin and Corporate Development Director at AG Barr Group.
Bet you didn’t know: I grew up on a small holding in North Derbyshire where we were totally self sufficient and used to milk cows by hand, work a shire horse, and make our own butter, cheese, bacon and hams.
Favourite Group Product: My most used product is Very Lazy – I add it to just about every meal I cook. Also, one of my go to lunches when I’m out and about is a soup made by Billington Foods.

James Viner
Non Exec DirectorJames Viner
Joined the group board: 2017
Summary: Fourth generation Billington Family member & NED to the group. Wide ranging experiences from MD roles and Trustee board member.
Bet you didn’t know: The other family firm I used to belong to was Viners of Sheffield, once the biggest cutlery manufacturer in the country.
Favourite Group Product: Caramelised Red Onion Chutney – goes in every sandwich.

Susan Barratt
Non Exec DirectorSusan Barratt
Joined the group board: 2023
Summary: CEO of IGD and Natures Way with majority of career in the food industry. Now has several Non Exec roles and current CEO of the institute of Grocery Distribution and co-chair at the Department of Health and Social Care for working groups and food industry.
Bet you didn’t know: In a previous role, my office window looked out onto an active volcano.
Favourite Group Product: Wellies in the winter & Mayo in the summer.

William Kerr-Muir
Non Exec DirectorWilliam Kerr-Muir
Joined the group board : 2024
Bio Coming Soon